January 08, 2012


A few days ago I went Geocaching for the first time ever! For those of you who are unfamiliar with Geocaching, its basically a big outdoor treasure hunt where you use GPS coordinates to find containers stashed with little trinkets and paper where you and your group of friends can sign your names and the date that you found the cache. The tradition is that you bring little trinkets or toys that belong to you and take an item that someone else left and leave your own. And caches are everywhere, seriously! It's so easy to find caches in your area, and there are winter friendly ones too! Here are a few pictures that I snapped on our hunt for caches in the Ganaraska forest (we found 3!)

geocache1 geocache3 geocache2

January 01, 2012

Holiday Mugs

For Christmas gifts, I wanted to do something special for everyone, I really wanted to get creative! So when I read through this tutorial on Ladies Home Journal about painted botanical mugs, I got crafty! I went out and bought some porcelain mugs and porcelain pens at Michaels and got to work. I made the botanical mugs for the girls I was gifting to, and for the guys that I was gifting to, I decided to make moustache mugs! On one side of the mug I freehanded a french moustache and on the other side I made other 'staches. To finish off the gifts, I stashed kisses, hot chocolate mix, a mix of teas and sparkler sticks. 

This tutorial was so much fun that I think I'm going to have to make more! The botanical mugs turned out so amazing (I didn't follow a template) that I had to make one for myself! I even signed my name at the bottoms of the mugs to personalize them a little. I hope that everyone loved them! ♥ 
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