The weirdest thing happened to me last night. My computer died on me! At first I thought it shut down because it needed to install some updates, but I couldn't restart it. I checked to see if it was plugged in properly and it was, so I concluded that it went to computer heaven. I guess I could see about getting it fixed, but there are so many other things wrong with it that I don't think it's worth it. Lucky for me, I have my little Dell net book to use until I get a new one.
Ideally, I would love to get a mac, but the mac world is uncharted territory for me. Don't get me wrong, I know the general ways of using a mac, but as a potential buyer, I'm lost. If I did get a mac, it would probably be the regular white macbook. Is mac really better than PC? Are there any mac users out there that could share their experiences with Apple? Please let me know :)
*I also created a Formspring account, so feel free to check that out in the right column of my blog!
Macs are cool but widespread compatibility suffers.