December 09, 2011

Rustic Chic

I don't know what it is, but I'm starting to acquire a taste for every article of clothing from Roots Canada.  It's probably me stalking the pictures from awelltraveledwoman on Tumblr, especially her taste in rustic chic clothing and decor, and also the amazing photography that she documents on her blog.  Ask me a year ago what I thought about Roots clothing and I would have said that it was for people with no concept of style, but now, I'm so inspired by it.  

I've never been a huge fan of the sweltering weather that we get in the summer, and I would never really want to travel to somewhere super warm.  I think it would be so cool to travel somewhere up north in the mountains and the trees, and I would really like to travel to Iceland someday (it looks so amazing there!).

I'm starting to acquire a taste for plaids, knits, nordic prints, faux fur and leather (hey, that almost rhymed, ha!).  I know this stuff is so stereotypical for Canadians, but its actually super stylish.  It's so weird how our styles differ and how completely opposite they can be.  One day I'll want to wear something like skinny jeans, flats, a black and white striped top and a black blazer and now I'm wanting to wear plaid and knits.  It's kind of awesome how we don't have to stick to a certain style pallet, and how we can incorporate some of our favourite styles into our unique *look*.  I'm kind of crushing on this Capri Hoody in Salt & Pepper and this Penny Duffle Coat in Blue Iris.

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