On Thursday I had the amazing opportunity to go to the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) in Toronto. I've been itching to go to the ROM this summer and I was pretty excited that I was able to go, even though it was super last minute. When I was in New York City in 2007, I had the opportunity to see the talented Dan Perjovski's Project 85 at the Museum of Modern Art and was wowed by his quirky comic-strip style political commentary. After heading to the exhibits on the 4th floor of the ROM, I discovered that there was another Dan Perjovski exhibit!
Below is a photo I took during Project 85 in New York City.
Even though my trip to Toronto was short, it solidified my future plans to eventually move there after I graduate from university. Ottawa is alright for the time being, but it isn't a city I can identify with (if that makes any sense?). Toronto has more of a sense of character, a vibrancy to it. Ottawa, to me, is kind of a blank canvas. I still have some time over the next year to really think about my options.
Nice contrast between Ottawa and Toronto, I completely understand the 'blank canvas' metaphor.