July 31, 2010


Okay, I may be getting ahead of myself here, but I've been dying to share my slight obsession with Hunter Boots. After eyeing a few photographs of Kate Moss wearing the adorable footwear, I've decided that I must come to owning a pair for the sake of my poor feet which always get wet trudging to class through the snow covered sidewalks. Luckily for me, I'll be getting a bus pass this year, but I'd still like to get a pair of green wellies, so no slushy puddle is off limits.  Apparently, the Queen of England owns a pair as well :)
Photo: weheartit


  1. OMG
    I was gushing about these to my mom and I'm getting a pair for my birthday. They also sell linings for them, so when you wear them in the winter, your feet will be warm!


  2. Oh my gosh, how adorable are they? I saw the linings for them and that's when I decided that I MUST own a pair. I love the olive green colour, which colours do you like?


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