December 23, 2010

Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)

I can't believe that it's Christmas Eve tomorrow! If I had my way, I would push Christmas over to next week, to extend the Christmas hype and also so I can listen to my songs a little longer. One thing that I don't like about this time of year...the crowded malls, yuck! It seems like people are in a hurry to get their shopping done and will give you death stares or growl at you if you get in their way or get between them and their shopping items.  It's also sad to see people get caught up in the hype so much when they don't even take a moment to donate money (even if it's just a few dollars) to the Salvation Army. I feel that people these days get caught up in the money and the toys and they don't stop to think about the more important meanings of Christmas, one of them being helping out others in need, whether it be food or other essential needs like a clothes or a place to sleep.

Anyways, I was going to write about something else, but I forgot! I suppose it can wait until later. Please take the time out of your day to donate, every little bit counts! Have a fantastic evening!

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