December 30, 2010

New Year, New Opportunities

I know some of you may think the whole concept of New Years Resolutions to be lame and pointless, but I've thought about it and think its a good idea for implementing new habits in 2011. I never really made solid resolutions before, so I might as well try it out, right? After some careful thought, I've narrowed down my resolutions to:

1. Get fit: I know this resolution has been beaten to death and a lot of people have never succeeded in achieving this goal, but I kind of made this resolution last year and it worked out pretty well actually (I started including the gym as an activity 2 or 3 times a week. I might not have stuck very closely with this, but improvement was made!) This year I'm going to make it a habit to go to the gym at least 3x a week, make healthier food choices and to opt for walking instead of taking the bus.

2. Stay positive: It can be so easy to go into worst case scenario mode, but keeping a positive state of mind will do wonders for my mood. 

3. Stop caring what others think: I fall into this habit sooooo often that I need to remind myself that other people's thoughts and opinions shouldn't and will not affect me.

4. Develop a sense of personal style: I fell victim to a few, okay, a lot of fashion faux pas in 2010, so I want/need to start thinking critically in terms of what I'm wearing and what I want to express to the world.

5. Get a job: Any job that will garner an income. Bonus points if I enjoy it!

Well, that's about all I can think of. I kept it pretty short because I find that if people make a lot of resolutions, it can be overwhelming and have a higher risk of failure. 2011 will be my year, I have a good feeling about this. Eeek, New Years Eve is tomorrow, I need to find something to wear! :)

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