November 30, 2010


I'm going to be so glad when this semester is over. I'm enjoying my film classes tremendously, but am not completely loving my public relations class. It's so hard to find motivation to work on projects when I don't enjoy what I'm learning. I thought I would really enjoy this class and thought about exploring it as a career after graduation, but it turns out that the field is definitely not for me. It's all about creating a positive image for a company and strategies to help achieve that, but the bottom line is basically how to cover the company's corporate butt and how to make more money. Ick, not for me thank you very much! On a lighter note, the class will be finished in about a week's time. Fingers crossed everything goes okay!

Finals are just around the corner and I can already feel the stress accompanied with it. I'm probably going to start hibernating in the library soon getting everything prepared for my written and take-home exams. I just know that I'm going to be hyped on caffiene, and getting my daily jo fix at the local Starbucks. I'm going to need it for the all-nighters I forsee in the near future!

Apologies for the long rant. As a gift, here are some pretty pictures to pick you back up again.

November 26, 2010

Winter Song

Oh my gosh, it is so so cold outside! Last night was so chilly that I had to bust out my winter jacket. And this morning was wonderful waking up to a blanket of snow covering the ground. I had to snap some pictures to document. 
I'm going to be making a few changes here the next few days. Things like fonts, html coding and also looking into installing a little music player in the sidebar. I'm kind of clueless when it comes to finding which music player to go with, so I'll have to do a bit of research and fiddling around. Have a great weekend and Happy Thanksgiving to those in the US!

November 23, 2010

Oh My Darling, Clementine

There's a light at the end of the tunnel! Classes are finishing up within the next two weeks and I'm excited for everything to be done. It's hard to believe that this will be my last fall semester in school, and I'll be graduating in less than a year. In a way it' seems so surreal and unbelievable. Even though I'm excited to start the next chapter of my life, at the same time it seems so daunting and scary.

Anyways, onto a more positive note: About a month ago I discovered this home planetarium by Gakken. I think it's the most pretty thing ever. When trying to come up with a wish list for Christmas, the only thing I keep thinking about is this darling planetarium to geekify my room. How adorable is this gadget? I think it casts a very beautiful light in a dark bedroom. And I wannnt so bad! I seriously drool over these pictures every few days.

November 19, 2010

Swallowed In The Sea

Lately all I've been thinking about is braids. French braids, fishtail braids, distressed braids, you name it. Right now with the state of my hair, I can only pull off a short french braid that nubs at bottom of my head. I can't wait until I can pull of these looks. Hopefully in two months or so!

November 12, 2010

All Good Things

It has been pretty warm the past few days, but in mid-November, it feels a little wrong. Next week the weather is going to dip back down to 2°C. Gosh, there is so many Christmas hype going on right now in flyers and commercials! Next week it's supposed to snow finally, which will be nice. To get into the mindset of the colder weather, here is some outfit inspiration from Lookbook hand (picked by yours truly!) to help get into get the winter vibes going:

November 09, 2010

Day 8: Just the Way You Are

Day 8- A picture that makes you laugh

The Diamond Sea

The weirdest thing happened to me last night. My computer died on me! At first I thought it shut down because it needed to install some updates, but I couldn't restart it. I checked to see if it was plugged in properly and it was, so I concluded that it went to computer heaven. I guess I could see about getting it fixed, but there are so many other things wrong with it that I don't think it's worth it. Lucky for me, I have my little Dell net book to use until I get a new one. 

Ideally, I would love to get a mac, but the mac world is uncharted territory for me. Don't get me wrong, I know the general ways of using a mac, but as a potential buyer, I'm lost. If I did get a mac, it would probably be the regular white macbook. Is mac really better than PC? Are there any mac users out there that could share their experiences with Apple? Please let me know :)

*I also created a Formspring account, so feel free to check that out in the right column of my blog!

November 08, 2010

California English

So I thought about doing a huge post about the days I missed during the 30 day challenge, but that sounds painful and tedious, so I'm just going to start where I left off and hopefully be able to keep the daily schedule in order. Without further ado, here's day number seven:

Day 7 - A picture of your most treasured item
If I had to narrow down to my favourite item, it would have to be my iPod. I've had it for so many years, I got it for my 17th birthday back when I was in high school. I remember being so thrilled when I got it. It has acquired a few scratches and war wounds over the years, but it's still working (for now)!

November 05, 2010

Prospekt's March

Only one post this week? Terrible! School has been really stressful this week, I had a major essay to write that was due yesterday. I ended up getting it done in good time, but I hated having to do it all last minute. Unfortunately, school takes precedence over this blog, so my posts this week have had to wait. I have a lot to catch up on for the 30 day challenge! I'll probably end up doing a huge post to get caught up. I also need to blog about my recent shopping expedition and what I purchased from my favourite store H&M! 

I'm back in the city and the weather has been pretty dreary, cold and wet. I'm not really loving it. I really would like a long and drapy sweater to bundle under. Can we just fast forward to winter plz?

November 02, 2010

Baby It's Cold Outside

So, I had planned on waiting until November 15th before I started listening to Christmas music, but like the impatient person that I am, I started listening to holiday songs today.  How could I possibly contain my excitement for winter when it had already started snowing? On Halloween, I noticed that were a few flurries in the sky, but then a few minutes later, it changed to thick flakes of snow. They immediately melted when the hit the ground, but it got me so excited. 

I know that I have been slacking on my30 Day Challenge, but this week has been the worst. I have a huge paper due on Thursday and like the procrastinator that I am, I hemmed and hawed and waited until yesterday to start it. So apologies for the lateness and the lack of posts this week, after Friday I will have everything finished and can get back into the regular schedule of things.  Until then, here's a pretty picture to get you through (hehe!):
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