September 06, 2011

Dream Shoes

My jaw was literally on the floor when I set my eyes on these beautiful shoes. They need to be in my possession.  These Jeffery Campbell Splendid Heels are amazing. I love the platform heel, the brass tacks, the peep toe...yada yada yada! I found a similar pair at the mall the other day but unfortunately they were the only pair left and were a size too big. I think I will have to save up for them once I graduate and have a job. These heels and a DSLR camera will be on the top of my list of my post-university purchases! <3


  1. DSLR cameras are awesome! Expensive but so nice. I've my eye on some different lenses I'd like to get if I get a DSLR. Tilt-Shift lens, Macro lens, and a Fisheye lens. If you look those up you can see the kind of effect you could expect from those lenses. I think they're pretty neat and they would be fun to play around with!

  2. I love the effects from the tilt-shift lense and the fisheye lense! I would love to just spend a few days playing around with those, I'm sure you would be able to capture some awesome pictures!


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