July 27, 2010

Home From Away

Last week I went on vacation to Prince Edward Island and got to experience the beautiful beaches, red dirt, delicious potatoes and the picturesque sunsets. My family and I ended up driving to both tips of the island collecting sea shells, rocks and sand to make sand jars for DIY souvenirs, which I got the idea of while seeing one at one of the gift shops we visited. 

Prince Edward Island is the perfect place to own a summer cottage and I was really inspired by the bright and beachy feel that a lot of the homes have. I've always seen myself living in a large city, but after visiting PEI, I could imagine myself living in a cottage home. Below, I've included a compilation of pictures I took during my trip. 
A Lighthouse in Cavendish
Deep Sea Fishing Boats outside of Cavendish
A beautiful farmhouse overlooking the ocean
The road to our cottage for the week
East Point where the two tides meet and erode the dirt
North Cape Lighthouse
A gorgeous barn located in Green Gables in Cavendish. I love the cedar siding on it.
Me on the shore of North Cape. You can kind of see the wind farm in the background
Probably one of my favourite photos of my trip. The tide was out and there were little creatures along the shore like crabs and jellyfish. I'm back to regular blogging now that I took the time to unpack and relax. Tomorrow I have another post lined up about the clothes I bought and the eclectic souvenirs that will look great in my apartment.

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