August 21, 2010

It's Not the Things You Say

I can't believe that summer is coming to an end in a few short weeks. It definitely went by ridiculously fast, but I'm not complaining because I'm happy to see the humid and hot weather be replaced by the cooler air and leafy winds.  This past week was spent cottaging with friends and having a fabulous time.  Everything from boat rides, swimming, board games, reading and sunning.  The perfect way to cap off summer. Here are a few pictures from a great week:


  1. I still say i look kinda fat in that photo. It looks like two midgets are having a fight in my shirt! But that might just be the syphilis talking!

  2. Pshhhaaa! It's totally the syphilis talking. It looks like you have a 4 pack, which, by the way, is the new 6 pack. At least you don't look like an amputee, like moi.


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